software testing outsourcing & qa outsourcing

Get to market on time with secure, bug-free software Optimize your testing and QA schedule and budget for superior results

Even the tiniest bugs can lead to big business problems, and a sound quality assurance QA process is a must to provide the best user experience for your customers. But how can you ensure comprehensive verification of your software’s performance when you’re tight for time or your budget is limited? We can help you speed up the process, keep costs down, and deliver a higher-quality result:

  • Ensure your software meets your specifications and is free of defects – by adding our expertise to your in-house testing and QA capabilities, or as your trusted outsource partner.
  • Respect your delivery schedule – to meet your commitments.
  • Stay within budget – to achieve higher ROI.

Reach your software quality management objectives

Optimize your testing and QA process

  • Our business analysts are here to help you understand where gains can be made in time and budget through a test process assessment (gap analysis), process analysis, and root cause analysis.
  • We can help you devise an optimal process, providing the know-how you need when you need it (fill any skill gaps).

Rely on our team of certified testing and QA experts

  • Rigorously screened and trained, our testing and QA team includes ISTQB®-certified engineers. We provide full-cycle testing and quality assurance QA services for cloud, web, desktop, and mobile applications.
  • We are specialists in seeking out the tiniest defect and fully own the testing and QA process. A delivery manager oversees the team dedicated to your project.
  • With a large pool of talent at our disposal, we can scale resources up or down at a moment’s notice to meet your evolving needs.

Save time and effort with our structured process

  • Our testing and QA services detect and prevent defects preemptively, starting from the requirements gathering and planning stage, and continuing through execution and monitoring, thus avoiding rework.
  • We use structured quality assurance methods, processes, and best practices, as well as our experience, to comprehensively analyze and test your software. Our processes are certified ISO 9001 (quality) and ISO 27001 (security).
  • We deploy an agile methodology for testing functionality, performance, UI, compatibility, and component integration, or when implementing complex test automation. We help you deliver new features on time through continuous maintenance and bug-fixing.
  • We provide comprehensive QA reporting, including test results, test coverage, quality level, status reports, quality trends, sign-off reports, and more.
Contact Flairstech

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We have a proven track record working with both B2B and B2C companies, providing dedicated delivery managers to ensure high satisfaction.

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Enable better business opportunities through
better quality software

Guarantee a high level of customer satisfaction

Guarantee a high level of customer satisfaction

By ensuring you have software that can be depended on to perform to a high level, and is secure and free of bugs whatever the platform, our testing and QA services enable you to build trust with clients and prospects and increase your business opportunities.

Dedicate your efforts to revenue generating activities

Dedicate your efforts to revenue-generating activities

By making our expertise available to you, integrating seamlessly with your existing teams, or taking ownership of your process, we give you the peace of mind you need to concentrate on building your business.

Maximize adoption and cost-effectiveness

Maximize adoption and cost-effectiveness

Through our scalable, flexible service models, we help you improve productivity and product quality, reduce the time (and cost) required to launch a system into production, lower maintenance costs, and minimize the risk of rejection.

Choose the software testing you need

Functional testing

Functional testing

We verify the functional performance of your application or website and validate its compliance with specifications.

Integration testing

Integration testing

We test the behavior of the system after new features or third-party applications have been integrated.

System testing

System testing

We perform qualitative regression testing using comprehensive approaches based on your business requirements.

Exploratory testing

Exploratory testing

We deliver a functionally superior software product by adding a layer of testing on top of the scripted testing processes.

Embrace simplicity for your mobile application

Smoke/ Sanity testing

We ensure the critical functionalities of your system are working as required.

Regression testing

Regression testing

We test the application from start to finish, using defined strategies and solutions to catch errors and bugs in your system.

Preliminary user-acceptance testing

Preliminary user-acceptance testing

We provide a limited number of end-users to test the Alpha release of the software and give feedback on product quality, indicating how users may accept your product.

Performance testing

Performance testing

We test the speed, responsiveness, and stability of your software solution to improve its performance.

Load testing

Load testing

We monitor how your system behaves when multiple customers are using it. This helps you identify your system capabilities and needs to ensure your software is scalable.

Stress testing

Stress testing

We go beyond normal operating conditions to see how the system behaves under abnormal usage, usually close to its breaking point. This helps you identify the weak parts of your infrastructure/system.

End to end mobile app development

Compatibility testing

We ensure your software can run on different hardware platforms, operating systems, applications, network environments, or mobile devices. (Web multi-browser: Edge, IE, FF, Chrome, and Safari on Mac – Mobile OS: iOS, Android, and Windows).

UI and UX testing

We identify any defects in the software's graphical user interface (GUI) and any incongruencies in the user's journey.

Usability testing

Usability testing

We show you how real customers will use your system to enable you to make sure the software is intuitive and easy to use for people who aren't familiar with it. This helps you improve the user experience and customer satisfaction.

Localization testing

Localization testing

We ensure your software meets the standards in your new location/ region to ensure rapid adoption.

Request a call

Set a meeting with one of our technical leads or project managers to assess your needs, share your challenges and discuss possible approaches.

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Automated testing for better bug tracking

We provide reliable automation frameworks to increase speed, improve test coverage, and continuously track bugs. With automated testing scripts, you can save more time and further increase both quality and performance.

  • Shorter software development cycle
  • Faster releases
  • Quicker changes and updates to systems
  • Accelerated time-to-market

Automated testing
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